Agnus Dei container

Full Name: Agnus Dei container

Object Name: Container

Period: Medieval

General Location of Find: Crail, Fife

Description: Silver gilt Agnus Dei container. One side of the container has the head of Christ while the other shows the Agnus Dei, or Lamb of God.

Historical Background: This late 15th- early 16th century container was used to hold an Agnus Dei medal, a wax disc blessed by the Pope and believed to have spiritual and practical powers. The container was designed to enhance the medal's status and apperance, making it both a religious and decorative object.It was found by a metal detectorist in Crail. Acquired through Treasure Trove, 2013, with assistance from the National Fund for Acquisitions.

Materials: silver

Accession No: FIFER:2013.0165

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